Death note

Monday, July 9, 2012

Spartacus: Blood and Sand

"Watch the story of history's greatest gladiator unfold with graphic violence and explicit sex. This is Spartacus." - imdb

This epic tv show starts with this main character (Spartacus who isn't his real name, was given by the Romans in the arena), who is from Tracia going to the war to help the Romans agains their commun enemy, but one Roman general (Glaber) betrais him and after they fought he finds him and makes him and his slaves. 
After that he get condemned to death, but the Romans think that's a better idea for their intertainment if they put 4 trained gladiators fighting against him. Turns that he was a great fighter and kill the 4 of them. 
Batiatus, one of the lanistas of Capua, asks if he can purchase him, and he does. He starts training him in his ludus.
Spartacus if very indisciplinated at first, he even got sent to the "pit", there is where man without honnor fight, where there is no rules, where people make money doing bet on who will win. After he shows that he is worthy to fight in the arena, he and Batiatus make a pact, the money Spartacus makes in the arena will be used by Batiatus to find his wife.
Spartacus keeps winning in the arena and turns champion of Capua, after he and Crixus (the former champion of Capua) defeat in the arena the mighty Theokoles, a legendary and unbeated in the arena, where the only one who survived vs him was the Doctore (Oenomaus) and suffered injuries that almost killed him so he could not fight again on the arena. Crixus is almost killed in the fight vs Theokoles, but has a "quick" recovery and starts fighting again.
The wife of Spartacus is found by Batiatus, but he orders one of his man to kill her, so Spartacus can get focused only in the arena and can bring money and glory to the House of Batiatus.
When Spartacus finds that Batiatus killed his wife he talks to all the gladiators and they kill all the Romans in the house, including Batiatus and his wife.

Spartacus: Blood and Sand trailer

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