Death note

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hecarim Patch Preview

The Hecarim Patch Preview came out and I decided to make a little review on what I think about it.
  Kayle - I don't really care about her, she's pretty much useless, but with this heal buff on her she might become a good support.
  Teemo - Without any doubt he's the cutest champion on the League. I like the bug fixes in all the champs, so I'm happy with the fix of Teemos poison. His ultimate and his move quick will be changed too, but the video doesn't cover it.
  Runes - Nerfing magic resist runes doesn't seem good to me, I know that it has been a little overpowered for mid champs, but other champs use them too and I don't think that it is fair. Buffing ability power runes, can't really tell if it is good or bad, but I think that buffing this runes would be a better choice than nerfing the magic resist runes and buffing the ability power, I think this patch will get some major game changes. Morello says that they did this to "open more options and more variety", lets see.
  Snowball out of control - I really like this on the new patch, because as a LoL player I always rage over this. Making this change it will make the games fair and more enjoyable to play it plus supports always get no love so it will make more people playing support.

Leaguecraft posted this video about the new champion Hecarim skillset and I'll make a quick review about it.
Design - I like it, because it is always fun to have more mithical creatures in the League like a centaur :D
Role - I bet he will be a jungler or a solo top champion
Skills - By his skill set I can tell that he will be a tank or atleast a tanky dps
         - Q - aoe physical dmg - looks good to me
         - W - aoe magic dmg - looks good to me
         - E - speed buff + knocking the opponent back, pretty close to the Volibear skill, but better because it s physical dmg will be based on how far Hecarim has travelled with this skill
         - R - his ultimate seems quite cool, aoe magic dmg, summons some riders that will devastate everything that comes to their way

Ok this was my review about the changes that will be made in League of Legends in the next patch and the Hecarim skillset and design.


  1. I love League of Legends! Thanks for the post!

  2. right post, tnx bro
